My Garden in Autumn

Earlier this year I posted photos of My Garden in Spring. What a difference a few months make. Here’s what my garden looked like then…
Garden then

Here’s what it looks like now…
Garden nowThe Swiss chard is monstrous. The Buddha statue’s head barely peeks out over the squash.

Tomatoes are everywhere.Tomato plants

Zucchini, squash and cucumber vines are spreading out and crawling up the critter fence.Squash vines

Here’s the Buddha back in Spring…Buddha then

Find him now…Buddha nowWe have had lots of hot sun and frequent rain this summer so my garden is abundant. It is also my first year flying the prayer flags. Coincidence? No apparent causal connection?
I think not.

I bow low before the Exalted Garden Buddha”.

My Garden in Spring

I love Spring. My garden seems like a charmed place with all my perennial herbs sprouting up. Spring came early this year and I have already planted some veggies.RaspberriesMy raspberries are growing up fast and strong.

ChivesMy chives are blooming. I love their mauve blossoms.

Lemon Balm & OreganoThe lemon balm is growing now with the Greek oregano. They’re living in harmony!

MintThe mint is already several inches high and I’ll have to make sure it doesn’t stage a coup.

KaleI am growing kale for the first time. My friends have already shared their kale recipes.

Swiss ChardI am also growing green and red Swiss chard for the first time.

Red & Butter Leaf LettuceRed and butter leaf lettuce = future yummy salads!


I have lots of perennial rhubarb & my neighbor likes to make strawberry rhubarb pie.

Buddhist prayer flagsMy Buddhist flags sending peace, prosperity and protection prayers via the wind. Have you starting planting yet? My plan is to add tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, squash and peppers. Maybe also some lavender and rosemary. What’s growing in your garden?

David Rocco’s Panzanella

Occasionally I change my focus from traditional Greek recipes to Italian ones. Here’s a classic example from one of my favorite Cooking Channel celebs: David Rocco’s Panzanella.
I made it with tomatoes and basil from my garden and an old loaf of multi-grain bread from the bakery. I promise you it is absolutely delicious.

8 slices cubed day old Tuscan-style or hearty bread (I used multi-grain bread)
10 sliced cherry tomatoes (as you can see I used more)
1 red onion (I used 4 thinly sliced scallions/spring onions)
1/2 cup extra-virgin olive oil (It might need a bit more depending on the bread)
3 tablespoons red wine vinegar
4 fresh basil leaves (I definitely used more)
Salt and freshly ground black pepper

Submerge the slices of bread in a bowl of water. Use your hands to squeeze out all the water that the bread has absorbed. Break up the bread into small pieces and place into a large bowl.
Squeeze the cherry tomato juices into a small bowl before adding the tomato halves to the bread mixture. Add the scallions, olive oil, and red wine vinegar to the bowl. Roll up and chiffonade/slice the basil leaves and toss into the salad mixture. Season with salt and pepper, to taste. Toss well. Let the salad rest in the refrigerator for a few hours for all the flavors to come together.
Kali Orexi! …or should I say Buon appetito! Enjoy!

My garden in July

It has been very hot here in Michigan this month with temperatures in the 90°s. Although it is hot and I am grateful for air conditioning, my garden is loving all this sun. It’s absolutely glorious! Here is my photographic proof.

Look at my daylilies. I wish I could cut them and bring a few of them into the house, but if you’ve ever tried that you know it doesn’t work.

I love daylilies.

The mint is flowering. It’s a good thing I have it in a raised bed, otherwise it would be everywhere.

Raspberries are ready to pick.

And I think I am going to have quite a few tomatoes come September. More photos of my garden in my set on Flickr. How’s your garden growing?