I participated in my very first Twitter party on Tuesday, May 25th. It was intense. I had been to many #Tweetea events. So, I thought I would be a natural. OMG was I ever wrong. First of all it was totally virtual. And there were tough questions that were asked about hot topics on blogging. Also, there were several giveaways that participates could win by tweeting a specific #hashtag.
I signed up first on the Savvy Blogging website. Then they followed me back on Twitter. At the time of the event I followed along via Tweet Grid / Tweet Chat. I couldn’t decide which one I preferred. 200 Bloggers participated. 30 or more tweets would be posted in response to a question or give-away simultaneously at any time. Try following a conversation of that volume and tweeting at the same time! Yikes! I thought my laptop was going to explode!
But I started to have fun when some friends I had met at GleekRetreat, who were also participating, noticed me via the #SavvyBlogger hashtag and started having side tweets with me. Then the giggle fest started. I relaxed and it all became easier.
If you have the chance to participate in a Twitter party, do it. It’s an experience you won’t forget.
I love Twitter Parties! I keep missing the SavvyBlogger parties but I’m sure I’ll catch one yet.