Greek (Turkish) Coffee

Greek coffee
Briki (pronounced BREE-kee)
Demitasse cups
Cold water

You begin with Greek coffee grounds that are very fine like espresso. The coffee is prepared in the small, long handled copper or brass coffeepots called briki. These are available in different sizes. The art is to serve this coffee to a guest with the proper coating of thick foam on the top of each cup.

Sugar and coffee are boiled together. Before brewing, it is also customary to ask guests how they prefer their coffee…sweet, medium sweet, or barely sweetened.

1 demitasse cup of boiling water to 1 tsp. of coffee and sugar.

Turn on the heat (medium low), stir the coffee and sugar until it dissolves in the cold water, and don’t stir again. Heat the coffee slowly. Foam will start to rise in the briki before it boils.  When the foam rises to the top of the briki remove from heat.

You should allow the coffee to stand for a few minutes before serving, so the grounds will settle to the bottom of the cup. The coffee is to be savored and sipped slowly, being careful not to disturb the grounds.

This recipe is  from the Joy of Greek Cooking (with an American Accent) Philoptochos Society of the Annunciation Greek Orthodox Cathedral, Detroit MI 1988 contributed by Carol Kazolis on page 219.

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I'm Greek. This is my journal. It's all about food and family.

2 thoughts on “Greek (Turkish) Coffee”

  1. In reviewing some paper files, I re-read a 1976 letter from Carol Kazolis who I accidentally met in Annunication Cathedral in 1976. She was a resource person when I was searching for information regarding my mother, Aphrodite.
    My names? Karen Cole aka Christina, Goldie, Crissulo

    I would greatly appreciate it if I could hear from or about Carol Kazolis. Thank you.

    1. I am sorry but I do not know, nor have I ever met, Carol Kazolis personally. I was just citing her as the source for the recipe in the cook book. You might try to contact the Cathedral. Good luck to you in your search.

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